The LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES call for proposals

 The LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES has a new call for proposals from MARCH 2013 - MARCH 2014

All artists in SL will be able to apply to have a FULL SIM art show lasting one month each, and the closing date for applications is the 10th of Feb 2013.

What you get:
1) The FULL SIM to use inclusive of the media and UP TO 15,000 prims (you dont have to use all)
2) The SIM will be given to the artist on the 1st day of the month
3) When to launch the show will be up to the artist
4) Shows will end on the final day of the month, and the next artist will receive use of the SIM from the 1st day of the next month
5) Blogs including the LEA & UWA Blogs will cover the event (any other blogs confirming a continuation of their support of the initial series will be added)

How to Apply:
1) Send a NC to both Jayjay Zifanwe and Bryn Oh with a 100 word description of what your plan for the full sim artwork is.
2) Include in the NC, the names of anyone who might be working with you on the FULL SIM creation
3) Indicate on the NC which month you prefer, MARCH 2013, APRIL 2013, MAY 2013, JUNE 2013, JULY 2013, AUG 2013, SEPT 2013, OCT 2013, NOV 2013, DEC 2013, JAN 2014, FEB 2014 (1st, 2nd, 3rd preference)


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